5 min read

Using launch angle data

I’m going to look at some launch angle data using the data scraped from Baseball Savant.

## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggplot2':
##   method         from 
##   [.quosures     rlang
##   c.quosures     rlang
##   print.quosures rlang
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Load the data as d

d <- readRDS("MLB2018.rds")
d %>% colnames()
##  [1] "pitch_type"                      "game_date"                      
##  [3] "release_speed"                   "release_pos_x"                  
##  [5] "release_pos_z"                   "player_name"                    
##  [7] "batter"                          "pitcher"                        
##  [9] "events"                          "description"                    
## [11] "spin_dir"                        "spin_rate_deprecated"           
## [13] "break_angle_deprecated"          "break_length_deprecated"        
## [15] "zone"                            "des"                            
## [17] "game_type"                       "stand"                          
## [19] "p_throws"                        "home_team"                      
## [21] "away_team"                       "type"                           
## [23] "hit_location"                    "bb_type"                        
## [25] "balls"                           "strikes"                        
## [27] "game_year"                       "pfx_x"                          
## [29] "pfx_z"                           "plate_x"                        
## [31] "plate_z"                         "on_3b"                          
## [33] "on_2b"                           "on_1b"                          
## [35] "outs_when_up"                    "inning"                         
## [37] "inning_topbot"                   "hc_x"                           
## [39] "hc_y"                            "tfs_deprecated"                 
## [41] "tfs_zulu_deprecated"             "fielder_2"                      
## [43] "umpire"                          "sv_id"                          
## [45] "vx0"                             "vy0"                            
## [47] "vz0"                             "ax"                             
## [49] "ay"                              "az"                             
## [51] "sz_top"                          "sz_bot"                         
## [53] "hit_distance_sc"                 "launch_speed"                   
## [55] "launch_angle"                    "effective_speed"                
## [57] "release_spin_rate"               "release_extension"              
## [59] "game_pk"                         "pitcher.1"                      
## [61] "fielder_3"                       "fielder_4"                      
## [63] "fielder_5"                       "fielder_6"                      
## [65] "fielder_7"                       "fielder_8"                      
## [67] "fielder_9"                       "release_pos_y"                  
## [69] "estimated_ba_using_speedangle"   "estimated_woba_using_speedangle"
## [71] "woba_value"                      "woba_denom"                     
## [73] "babip_value"                     "iso_value"                      
## [75] "launch_speed_angle"              "at_bat_number"                  
## [77] "pitch_number"                    "pitch_name"                     
## [79] "home_score"                      "away_score"                     
## [81] "bat_score"                       "fld_score"                      
## [83] "post_away_score"                 "post_home_score"                
## [85] "post_bat_score"                  "post_fld_score"                 
## [87] "if_fielding_alignment"           "of_fielding_alignment"          
## [89] "barrel"

It’s not clear what launch_speed_angle is.

d$launch_speed_angle %>% summary
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##     1.0     2.0     3.0     3.1     4.0     6.0  594914

launch_speed and launch_angle are as expected. They both have a lot of missing values. Most of these are pitches not hit.

d$launch_speed %>% summary
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##     9.0    73.0    82.9    83.0    94.8   121.7  516581
d$launch_angle %>% summary
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##     -89      -5      17      16      36      90  516579

Speed and angle are usually both false or true, which is good.

table(is.na(d$launch_speed), is.na(d$launch_angle))
##          FALSE   TRUE
##   FALSE 204609      0
##   TRUE       2 516579

We’ll filter to keep only pitches with launch angle and speed.

dl <- d %>% filter(!is.na(launch_angle), !is.na(launch_speed))

We’re going to look at at bat outcomes, shown in events.

dl$events %>% table
## .
##        batter_interference             catcher_interf 
##                          1                         22 
##         caught_stealing_2b       caught_stealing_home 
##                          1                          1 
##                     double                double_play 
##                       8264                        458 
##                field_error                  field_out 
##                       1575                      73675 
##            fielders_choice        fielders_choice_out 
##                         94                        331 
##                  force_out  grounded_into_double_play 
##                       3614                       3457 
##               hit_by_pitch                   home_run 
##                        389                       5585 
##                       null                  other_out 
##                      77742                          2 
##                 pickoff_1b                 pickoff_2b 
##                          4                          2 
## pickoff_caught_stealing_2b pickoff_caught_stealing_3b 
##                         14                          1 
##                        run                   sac_bunt 
##                          1                        822 
##       sac_bunt_double_play                    sac_fly 
##                          1                       1225 
##        sac_fly_double_play                     single 
##                         10                      26316 
##                  strikeout                     triple 
##                        130                        847 
##                triple_play                       walk 
##                          2                         23

des is useless and too specific.

dl$des %>% head
## [1] "Marcus Semien singles on a line drive to right fielder Kole Calhoun.   Boog Powell scores.    Matt Joyce to 2nd.  "
## [2] "null"                                                                                                              
## [3] "null"                                                                                                              
## [4] "Boog Powell triples (1) on a line drive to left fielder Justin Upton.  "                                           
## [5] "null"                                                                                                              
## [6] "Jonathan Lucroy pops out to first baseman Jefry Marte in foul territory.  "

A lot of the categories have few instances. But we can see a clear pattern in home_run and extra base hits compared to outs.

ggplot(dl) + geom_point(aes(launch_speed, launch_angle)) + facet_wrap(. ~ events)

Estimated woba might be useful.

dl$estimated_woba_using_speedangle %>% summary
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##    0.00    0.06    0.22    0.36    0.55    2.02   78333
dl$estimated_woba_using_speedangle %>% is.na %>% summary
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
## logical  126276   78333

We will keep only events with at least 800 instances.

ggplot(dl %>% group_by(events) %>% mutate(N=n()) %>% ungroup %>% filter(N>800)) + 
  geom_point(aes(launch_speed, launch_angle), alpha=.2) + facet_wrap(. ~ events)

Here’s a plot for the densities of these.

ggplot(dl %>% group_by(events) %>% mutate(N=n()) %>% ungroup %>% filter(N>800)) + 
  geom_density2d(aes(launch_speed, launch_angle)) + facet_wrap(. ~ events)
## Warning: Computation failed in `stat_density2d()`:
## bandwidths must be strictly positive

This plot below looks a little better. There’s a clear difference in what leads to extra-base hits compared to outs. It’s not clear what null is. And there’s nothing for a fly out.

ggplot(dl %>% group_by(events) %>% mutate(N=n()) %>% ungroup %>% filter(N>800)) + 
  stat_density_2d(aes(launch_speed, launch_angle, fill=..level..), geom="polygon")+
  scale_fill_gradient(low="blue", high="red") + facet_wrap(. ~ events)
## Warning: Computation failed in `stat_density2d()`:
## bandwidths must be strictly positive

dl %>% group_by(events) %>% mutate(N=n()) %>% ungroup %>% filter(N>800) %>% .$events %>% table
## .
##                    double               field_error 
##                      8264                      1575 
##                 field_out                 force_out 
##                     73675                      3614 
## grounded_into_double_play                  home_run 
##                      3457                      5585 
##                      null                  sac_bunt 
##                     77742                       822 
##                   sac_fly                    single 
##                      1225                     26316 
##                    triple 
##                       847

There’s a lot of null events. And they don’t have descriptions either. Could they be foul balls? There were almost 130,000 foul balls in 2017, so 77,742 is a bit too low. But it kind of makes sense from the plot above that there would be fewer foul balls with a launch angle of zero since that would be going through the bat. The number of balls put in play is about right, but null doesn’t match with foul balls. Maybe not all foul balls have recorded launch angle and speeds?

(dl$events=="null") %>% table
## .
## 126867  77742

I’m going to need to investigate this more, but it seems like null might be foul balls.