4 min read

How profvis helped give a 2x speedup by changing a single function call (answer: data frames can be really slow)

Recently I’ve been running computationally intensive simulations that take up to six hours each. This is prohibitively slow, and is assuredly suboptimal since I coded it all, so I decided to do a time profile evaluation to find the bottlenecks in the code. This is easily done in R using the eponymous function from the package profvis.

The following example shows how to use profvis. A simple function is created, which has two parts: the first is a function that runs a loop (functions show up better in profvis than just code), the second part is sleeping for 0.4 seconds. Then it is evaluated inside of profvis(). Displaying the result shows how long each section of the code took to run. The profile shows that a little over half the time is spent in the looping function, while the rest is sleeping.

slow_function <- function(n) {
  tf1 <- function() {
    for (x in 1:n) {
      sinx <- sin(x)
      cosx <- cos(x)
      sqrtx <- sqrt(x)
      expx <- exp(x)

## [1] 10
pv <- profvis(slow_function(1e6))

My problem

The problem I was working on involved modeling a function using a Gaussian process (GP) model, then using the GP to iteratively select new points to evaluate and add to the model.

Each step requires using the GP to get a predicted mean and standard error at many different points. I was passing a matrix whose rows are the points to evaluate these predictions at. The matrix had about 10000 rows, so it was quite large. To speed up some of the matrix calculations, I split the function evaluation so it evaluated 50 rows at a time, which was about the optimal number of rows to use (the code wasn’t optimized or I wouldn’t have had to do this). After evaluating all groups, the results from each group were combined back into a single large data frame.

I ran a time profile on my function and found that a lot of time was spent creating data frames for each of the groups before returning. I didn’t need them in data frames then, I could wait until the final return. Using a speed test, I determined that lists are much faster. By making this small replacement, changing data.frame to list I cut the run time in half.


Below is a simplified version of my problem. In f1 each element of x is evaluated by f2. In f2 a data.frame is returned with two values, that are saved back in f1. This code should look useless and poorly optimized, but it demonstrates what I was working with.

f1 <- function(x) {
  out1 <- numeric(length(x))
  out2 <- numeric(length(x))
  for (i in 1:x) {
    y <- f2(i)
    out1[i] <- y$one
    out2[i] <- y$two
  data.frame(one=out1, two=out2)
f2 <- function(i) {
  data.frame(one=i, two=i^2)

Now we can run profvis on this to see where the bottleneck is.

pf2 <- profvis(f1(1e4))

In the third row up from the bottom, we see that data.frame in f2 is taking a lot of time. It turns out that this is specific to using data.frames, and that lists or returning a numeric of length two is much faster. In my case I was returning vectors and using a list or cbind of the vectors was better than a data frame. To see how the speeds of list and data.frame compare, we can use microbenchmark for combining three vectors.

c1 <- 1:100
c2 <- runif(100)
c3 <- sample(1:100)
## Unit: nanoseconds
##                                   expr    min     lq      mean median
##        list(c1 = c1, c2 = c2, c3 = c3)      0    380    460.05    380
##  data.frame(c1 = c1, c2 = c2, c3 = c3) 175231 181503 208053.91 201839
##       cbind(c1 = c1, c2 = c2, c3 = c3)   1521   2281   3512.31   3421
##        uq    max neval
##     381.0   9123   100
##  222745.5 348182   100
##    4181.0  11403   100

From here we can see that lists are almost instantaneous, and data frames are really slow compared to lists, with cbind much closer to lists in speed.


This post won’t be very useful to many people, but the key two points are:

  • profvis is an important package and function for code optimization.

  • Data frames are much slower to work with than lists.