2 min read

Getting Rcpp to work with my R package

I’ve been using Rcpp in my R package GauPro for over a year. I had it working with no errors/warnings/notes in the package check for a long time, but for the last half year I’ve kept getting the same note, shown below.

checking compiled code ... NOTE
File 'GauPro/libs/x64/GauPro.dll':
  Found no calls to: 'R_registerRoutines', 'R_useDynamicSymbols'

It is good practice to register native routines and to disable symbol

See 'Writing portable packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
R CMD check results
0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 note 
Warning message:
`cleanup` is deprecated 

R CMD check succeeded

I’ve repeatedly looked for answer to this problem. There’s a discussion here, where Dirk shows he’s not exactly the nicest guy out there despite the great work he’s done with Rcpp.

There’s also this Stack Overflow post which appears to give a solution.

I have R 3.4, had an init.c that seemed okay, added @useDynLib packagename, .registration = TRUE to my roxygen (and it showed up in my NAMESPACE), and my exports looked fine.

I already had the init.c file, but I tried to remake it to see if that was an issue. For a long time I kept trying


and it kept giving the output

Error in native_routine_registration_db_from_ff_call_db(calls, dir, character_only) : 
  no native symbols were extracted

which was insanely frustrating.

Just today I found this GitHub issues thread with someone who had this problem, and the solution is to use

tools::package_native_routine_registration_skeleton(".", character_only = FALSE)

This was especially important since the Rcpp update a few weeks ago that added an underscore before each function name was making my package fail to load. Putting the output from the above function into my init.c file solved that problem. But I still get the same note as before.

I just tried to uninstall and reinstall Rtools, but that didn’t help either.

I tried submitting to winbuilder using devtools::build_win, to see if I get the same note there. The note doesn’t show up. Does this mean there is no problem with my package? Is it just something that shows up from my laptop?